Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Current Events

Exciting news the Lethbridge Sun Times did an article about bike polo. Form what I have heard they did a very good job. I have read it too and if I new nothing about bike polo I would want to know more about it after reading that article. Thanks to Alisha Sims and Scott Schmidt for making it happen. You can find it on page 12 of the Wednesday paper.

Area 51, the Calgary Hardcourt Bike Polo Tournament this past weekend was great to watch now if only Lethbridge can get a team together for next year. There were 16 teams, mostly from Alberta, some from Vancouver, one from Wisconsin. Games were played to a score of 5 points on the two outdoor arenas. Players had fun and spectators had fun. There were some mock vuvuzela noises from the crowd to liven things up as players fought for points on the court. All I can say is this stuff should be televised. If only I had not been so hasty to get there I might have remembered to bring the camera for a picture or two.

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