Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Face To A Name

First of all a big thanks to Dustin Beauchamp for his great work on the design of our Lethbridge Bike Polo logo. I will have a better pic soon but for now you can see it on one of the spoke cards that we made. In other news: the sun is out, the baby crows in the tree in my front yard are almost ready to fly away, and we need more people to come out and play polo. Come on people get off your couches and onto your saddles. It is fun and anyone can play. Would anyone be interested in playing in an arena? I am looking into an indoor arena (Adams Arena) have not heard back on that one. I do however know that we can use the outdoor arena in the Coalhurst Miners Memorial Park on an informal non league basis. Until we get more people though we will just stick to our nice local parking lot. Internationally there are lots of polo championships going on and they are worth a look.

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