Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bicycle Mountain Is No More

The year is now 2011. The snow has not melted completely since it first began to fall last year and the Bicycle Mt. has been lost to the wheels of time. If you want you can contact me, I can fill you in on the lore of what it is like to walk on top of a bicycle mt.

In other news winter has been winter and not having any indoor facilities has slowed us down, but the snow is starting to melt and the courts will soon be cleared. This year it is my hope that people will see that polo is a fun social sport that is open to anyone that can ride a bike. To that effect I will be redoubling my efforts to inform the general public that bike polo exists. So if you have not seen a live game of bike polo look us up and feel free to join in for a game. Everyone has to start somewhere. The sooner you start the sooner you will see how much fun it is... addictive too.

The North American Bike Polo Championships are going to be held in Calgary this year. The Dates from what I know are going to be Aug 4th to the 7th. You can find more info here: www.2011nahbpc.org/ I went to watch a tourney ( Area 51 bowl ) last year, and it was great so a championship this year will be awesome.

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