Sunday, March 27, 2011

Code Generators, New Mallets and Twitter

I am about to embark on a polo sales blitz. I am going to try and sell the idea of bike polo. I say, 'tiz the season for bike polo to get under way, yet so many people do not know that bike polo even exists. That needs to change, because of how great this sport is! When people do hear about it they may have any number of questions; all can be answered by just getting out and playing it. Regarding the borg cube above , I just could not resist using a free QR code generator to brew up this code for putting a new spin on things.

Can you say new mallets? I hope so because it is not that hard to say. HA HA Ha ha. Where did that come from, you may ask? Well, after long deliberation I think that in part it came from me asking my kids if they can say different words. Back to the topic at hand: I have made some new mallets for anyone to use, so feel free to show up and join in on a game. These are top quality mallets, not the cheap imitations you may find somewhere else.

Twitter, I am using it now to follow some people that I think are interesting; I also think it will be a good tool to let people know of game times and places, etc. So, if you are interested look up underbridgepolo for that and more. I will be posting game info soon.

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